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Welcome to the

BER Airport region.

Regionaler Wachstumskern Schönefeld.

Introducing the BER Airport Region “Schönefelder Kreuz”

The BER Airport Region is located close to Berlin and in the heart of Europe. It is attractive for business and as a center of life. The Airport Region BER includes the three municipalities of Königs Wusterhausen, Schönefeld and Wildau, which have joined forces to form the “Schönefelder Kreuz”.

Königs Wusterhausen

Königs Wusterhausen is located in the middle of forest and water landscapes.

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The community has gained international fame through the airport Berlin-Schönefeld, now known as BER.

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Wildau looks back on an industrial tradition of more than one hundred years in heavy engineering.

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Strong development in many areas

A booming region

The region has developed strongly economically in recent years and established itself as an attractive business location. Numerous prominent companies are located here, and interest in settling in the area remains high. At the same time, the region southeast of Berlin is a sought-after and livable residential area that is also steadily developing.

The renowned Wildau University of Applied Sciences and the SMB Science and Technology Park Wildau link business and science and help to make the region a home for innovative companies.

Last but not least, the Airport Region BER benefits from dedicated players at the location who are equally committed to the interests of companies and residents and who recognized and addressed current issues such as securing skilled workers or sustainable business at an early stage.

Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region

Excellent location

The BER Airport Region is located in the Dahme-Spreewald district of Brandenburg and borders directly on Germany’s capital, Berlin. The geographical location is unique in many respects.

The proximity to Berlin enables contacts to political and economic decision makers. Here you will find good funding conditions and an innovative, business-oriented atmosphere. The capital region, with a population of around five million, has national and international transport routes. The close-knit, high-performance transportation network is unique in this form. Highways, railways and waterways, as well as the international airport Berlin-Brandenburg in Schönefeld, ensure the rapid transport of goods and people and easy accessibility.

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